Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology Místnost č. 105
Historical and corpus linguistics, quantitative and computational linguistics, digitization and digital humanities
Topics: obsolescence of lexical items and multi-word expressions in the history of English, history of English orthography, quantitative analysis of Old, Middle and Early Modern English, automatic morphological analysis and lemmatization of Old English, quantitative typology in the history of English, digital lexicography (e.g. the Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online)
Memberships and Offices
Head of the Department of English Language and ELT Methodology (CU FA)
Chairman of the board of the Digital Humanities Center (CU FA)
Member of the executive board of the Czech Association for Digital Humanities
Previously: head of the academic senate and vice-dean for information resources at the Faculty of Arts, Member of the executive board of the European Association for DH
PublicationsGrants & ProjectsTeachingTheses
Tichý, Ondřej and Jan Čermák. (forthcoming) “The Story of English Orthography”. In: New Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol. II.: Sources, documentation and modelling. Ed. by Merja Kytö and Erik Smitterberg. Cambridge University Press
Obstová, Zora, Ondřej Tichý and Aleš Klégr. (forthcoming). Projekt Lexikálně-sémantické databáze (LSD-Czech): uživatelský pojmový slovník češtiny a online databáze. Studies in applied Linguistics.
Tichý, Ondřej and Martin Roček. (forthcoming) Bosworth-Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online.
Cvrček, Václav and Ondřej Tichý. (forthcoming), DIACOL: Visualisation and analysis of collocations in diachronic perspective.
Selected Publications
2022 ICHLL11: 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (“Bosworth-Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online”)
2021 Euralex (“Lexico-semantic database of Czech”)
2018 ICEHL XX, Edinburgh (“Spelling Variation in CEEC: A Quantitative Analysis”)
2018 DGfS 2018: 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Stuttgart (“Obsolescence of multi-word expressions in English, 1700-2000”)
2017 Chaucer in Bohemia, Paris Colloqium (“Til at the laste aslaked was his mood: reflections on figurative conceptualisations of anger in medieval English and Czech”)
2016 Využití diachronní korpusové analýzy, kolokvium Lingvistika Praha 2016, („Starší anglická korespondence“)
2016 Digital Britain: New Approaches To The Early Middle Ages („Sources of Bosworth-Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online“)
2015 SELIM 27, Granada (“Corpus of Old English Lemmatization (COEL) – A Project Proposal”)
2015 Ox-Lex4, Oxford („Lexical obsolescence and loss: two methodological probes“)
2013 a 2014 Lingvistika Praha („Vizualizace vícerozměrných dat z velkých anglických diachronních korpusů“)
2012 ICAME 33, Leuven („Semantic Change Through Corpora: The Case of Collocability“)
2012 Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, Cambridge University & King’s College London
2012 4th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, Jaén („Measuring typological syntheticity of English diachronically with the use of corpora“)
2010 9th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies
2009 ISAS: St. John’s, Newfoundland (“XML-TEI and the Anglo-Saxon Dictionary”
2008 XIII Euralex International Congress in Barcelona („An Anglo Saxon Dictionary and a Morphological Analyzer of Old English”)
Grants and Projects
Adjectival Postposition in English (APE). The Czech Science Foundation (19-05631S), 2019-2021.
2019-2021. Lexico-Semantic Database of Czech (LSD-CZ), The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.