
The Department provides tuition in single- and double-honours BA programmes (in cooperation with the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures), MA study programmes and doctoral programmes (PhD). The Department’s programmes focus both on present-day English – on the comprehensive description of the current language at all levels (grammatical, lexical, phonological, textual and discoursal) using the Prague contrastive approach, one based on English-Czech comparison – and on the historical development of English from its infancy up to and including Late Modern English. These study programmes, reflecting above all the practical needs of Czech students of English and the qualification requirements they will encounter in their future search for employment, also incorporate applied linguistics, advanced language teaching, and ELT methodology courses. The Department’s aim is to provide its students with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge applicable in their future lives and careers and indispensable for those among them who wish to join the ranks of successful Department graduates who have found their professional niches as translators, linguists and teachers, or who have made names for themselves in the arts and humanities, in civil-service positions as diplomats and cultural attachés, and in the private sector.

The Department currently administers the following undergraduate and graduate programmes:

Úvod > Study