See also the pages of the individual members of the department for their selective lists of projects.
Key Running Projects
- Adjectival Postposition in English (APE), Pavlína Šaldová, Luca Cilibrasi, Kristína Valentínyová, Veronika Volná, Ondřej Tichý. The Czech Science Foundation (19-05631S), 2019-2021.
- Lexico-Semantic Database of Czech (LSD-CZ), Aleš Klégr, Kateřina Vašků, Ondřej Tichý, Zora Obstová, Martin Roček. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, 2019-2021.
- Phraseology in English Academic Texts Written by Czech Advanced Learners: a comparative study of learner and native speaker discourse“, Markéta Malá, Gabriela Brůhová, Kateřina Vašků. The Czech Science Foundation (19-05180S), 2019-2021
- Creativity And Adaptability As Conditions For The Success Of Europe In An Interrelated World (KREAS), Jan Čermák, Ondřej Tichý. Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE), call: Excellent Research, 2018-2023
- Core syntax in bilingual children with varying levels of input, Luca Cilibrasi. Charles University Grant: PRIMUS/19/HUM/14, 2019-2021
- Strategic partnership with Cambridge University, Luca Cilibrasi. Charles University grant support 2018-2019
- Language in the shiftings of time, space, and culture, Pavlína Šaldová, Ondřej Tichý, Gabriela Brůhová, Kateřina Vašků, Luca Cilibrasi. Charles University project Progres Q10, 2017-2021
- Center for the Study of the Middle Ages, Jan Čermák, Ondřej Tichý. Charles University project Progres Q07, 2017-2021.
- University Centre for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought, Jan Čermák, Ondřej Tichý, Charles University Center, 2018-2023
- Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online digitization project, Ondřej Tichý, Martin Roček, Jan Hus Educational Foundation and Charles University project support, ongoing since 2010.
- Digital Scholarly Editions: Manuscripts, Texts, and TEI Encoding (SCUSI), Summer Schools series developing a previous DEMM Erasmus+ project, Marjorie Burghart, Ondřej Tichý, Lucie Doležalová, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, 2018-2020
- Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis: Fluency in the spoken English of learners and native speakers, Tomáš Gráf. Member of the team for the compilation of a Taiwanese corpus of spoken learner English. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, grant number MOST105-2628-H-158-001. 2018-2019.
Selected Past Projects
- Digital Editing of Medieval Manuscripts (DEMM), Lucie Doležalová, Ondřej Tichý. ERASMUS+, 2014-2017
- Supporting systematic linking of theory and practice for students and graduates of teacher training programmes at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Tomáš Gráf (Educational policy fund of the Czech Ministery of Education for 2018)
- English in the light of synchronic and diachronic corpora, Charles University project PRVOUK, 2012-16
- Language Structures and Communication (MSM 0021620825), with members of our staff working on a subtask entitled Studies on an English-Czech Translation Grammar and Applied Research of Communication (2005 – 2011).
- The Czech National Corpus and Corpora of Other Languages (MSM 0021620823), a research plan in which our Department was assigned a subtask entitled InterCorp: English-Czech and Czech-English Parallel Corpus (2005-2011). The project is being developed further in cooperation with the Institute of Czech National Corpus.
- An Electronic Grammar of Contemporary English (EMSA), based on Libuše Dušková’s Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny (A Grammar of Contemporary English Against the Background of Czech; published by Academia in 1988, 1994, 2003, 2006). FRVŠ Project 690, 2009
- Chaucer in Bohemia, a multidisciplinary and collaborative project of the Department in partnership with the School of English, University of Kent in Canterbury (2011–2017) that brings together scholars working in various fields of late medieval studies. The project plots the cultural transmissions and exchanges (diplomatic, religious, literary, political, artistic) between Prague and London during the period 1382–1400 when Chaucer served the court of Richard II. “Chaucer in Bohemia“ is co-directed by Peter Brown (Canterbury) and Jan Čermák (Prague). To date the project team has undertaken visits, lectures and seminars at each other’s institutions and has held two workshops, one in Canterbury (2011) and one in Prague (2013). The final product of the project is a collaborative volume titled „England and Bohemia in the Age of Chaucer“, edited by Peter Brown and Jan Čermák, to be published by Bodell and Brewer in 2020.
- Louvain International Database of English Interlanguage (LINDSEI), 2012-15, organized by the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics at the Université catholique de Louvain. The Czech subcorpus, managed by Tomáš Gráf, comprises the recordings and transcriptions of fifty 15-minute interviews with 3rd- or 4th-year students of English philology and contains approximately 13 hours of recordings and 124,000 words. The corpus is extensively analyzed especially with regard to accuracy, fluency and complexity. The work on the project has given rise to an international co-operation with the Université catholique de Louvain and Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.
- Foundations of the Modern World as Reflected by Literature and Philosophy / MSM 0021620824 Základy moderního světa v zrcadle literatury a filosofie. Subproject „Traditions and Multiculturalism in English Speaking Countries“ / dílčí úkol: “Tradice a multikulturalismus v anglicky mluvících zemích“ (sub-coordinator / dílčí řešitel: Prof. Dr. Martin Procházka; researchers / spolupracovníci: Prof. Dr. Martin Hilský, Doc. Dr. Jan Čermák, Ondřej Pilný, PhD., Doc. Justin Quinn, PhD., Louis Armand, PhD., PhDr. Soňa Nováková, CSc., Hana Ulmanová, PhD., PhDr. Zdeněk Beran, Klára Kolinská, PhD., Mgr. Helena Znojemská, Clare Wallace, PhD., Erik Roraback, PhD., Šárka Kühnová, D.Phil.)
- Interfacing Sciences and Humanities, research project of the EU / ACUME (Rozhraní přírodních a humanitních věd), výzkumný projekt Evropské unie (sub-coordinator / dílčí řešitel: Martin Procházka, researchers / spolupracovníci: Louis Armand, Jan Čermák, Markéta Malá, Pavlína Šaldová)
- An Automatic Morphological Analyzer of Old English, Ondřej Tichý, Charles University grant, 2007-9
- Pražský lingvistický kroužek 1926-1953: nejstarší dějiny ve světle archivních pramenů, Petr Čermák, Jan Čermák, Claudio Poeta. GA405/09/0277, 2009-11
- Citační databáze současné české jazykovědné anglistiky, Markéta Malá, Ondřej Tichý, FRVŠ Project 821/2012, 2012.