The Department of English Language and ELT Methodology is a regular organizer and co-organizer of academic events. It has a long-term cooperation with Oxford University in organizing the Prague-Oxford Medieval Studies Symposium. Recent events with the Department’s participation the international conference Construction Grammar (October 2010, in partnership with the Institute of the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the CR, and the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, CU FA). The Department has been involved, as organizer or participant, in the international conferences InterCorp 2009 and KorpLing 2011, discussing research and development of Czech language corpora and parallel corpora of Czech with other languages, and the potential of use of such corpora especially in lexicology and grammar.
In May 2012 a conference celebrating one hundred years of the foundation of the department was held (A Centenary of English Studies at Charles University: from Mathesius to Present-day Linguistics). Very successful were also two student conferences organized in 2012 and 2015 respectively: Freond ic gemete wiđ: A Student Conference on the Middle Ages in Britain and The Middle Ages: Reality and Illusion – A Student Conference on the Middle Ages in Britain.
The upcoming 2017 ICAME conference, to be hosted by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, will be organised jointly by the Department and the Institute of the Czech National Corpus and will offer, besides lectures and seminars focussing on the use of corpora in linguistic research and applied linguistics, a diachronic workshop (organised by Ondřej Tichý and Jan Čermák).
As part of the “Chaucer in Bohemia“ Project, an international colloquium, with invited specialists from other countries, is now at the planning stage and is booked for June 2017 in Paris at Reid Hall.