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2012-16 PRVOUK P10- Lingvistika – Angličtina v zrcadle synchronních a diachronních korpusů, řešitel: prof. PhDr. Aleš Klégr
- The Department has currently been involved in a major collective project 2012-16 PRVOUK P10- Linguistics –English in the light of synchronic and diachronic corpora (2012-16).
- Previous major projects include Language Structures and Communication (MSM 0021620825), with members of our staff working on a subtask entitled Studies on an English-Czech Translation Grammar and Applied Research of Communication (2005 – 2011).
- Another recent project with substantial contribution from our academic staff was The Czech National Corpus and Corpora of Other Languages (MSM 0021620823), a research plan in which our Department was assigned a subtask entitled InterCorp: English-Czech and Czech-English Parallel Corpus (2005-2011). The project is being developed further in cooperation with the Institute of Czech National Corpus.
- Most of our projects are linked with an electronic research and training website, EMSA (Elektronická mluvnice současné angličtiny – An Electronic Grammar of Contemporary English), based on Libuše Dušková’s Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny (A Grammar of Contemporary English Against the Background of Czech; published by Academia in 1988, 1994, 2003, 2006).
- „Chaucer in Bohemia“ is a multidisciplinary and collaborative project of the Department in partnership with the School of English, University of Kent in Canterbury (2011–2017) that brings together scholars working in various fields of late medieval studies. The project plots the cultural transmissions and exchanges (diplomatic, religious, literary, political, artistic) between Prague and London during the period 1382–1400 when Chaucer served the court of Richard II. “Chaucer in Bohemia“ is co-directed by Peter Brown (Canterbury) and Jan Čermák (Prague). To date the project team has undertaken visits, lectures and seminars at each other’s institutions and has held two workshops, one in Canterbury (2011) and one in Prague (2013).
- The Corpus of Old English Lemmatisation (COEL) Project, to be running in the framework of Erasmus+/Strategic Partnership (2015-2017) and managed by Ondřej Tichý and Jan Čermák, is a research and training project focused on lemmatisation of Old English texts and organised in partnership of seven European universities (Charles; Nijmegen, La Rioja, Málaga, Bergen, Innsbruck, Katowice).
- The digital edition of The Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (since 2010) managed by Ondřej Tichý, with a thousand visits per day is an indispensable tool for the study of Old English is used by many universities worldwide.
- In 2012–2015, the Department compiled a spoken corpus of advanced learner English as part of the multinational corpus LINDSEI (Louvain International Database of English Interlanguage) organized by the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics at the Université catholique de Louvain. The Czech subcorpus, managed by Tomáš Gráf, comprises the recordings and transcriptions of fifty 15-minute interviews with 3rd- or 4th-year students of English philology and contains approximately 13 hours of recordings and 124,000 words. The corpus is extensively analyzed especially with regard to accuracy, fluency and complexity. The work on the project has given rise to an international co-operation with the Université catholique de Louvain and Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.